Ioannis Dedes

Interventional Radiology Expert I. Dedes consults patients by appointment, discusses appropriate therapeutic options and performs interventional procedures at Thessaloniki Interbalkan Medical Centre, on -1 Floor, Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, Sector of Digital Angiography.

In contact with the Doctor


Clinical treatments

Invasive Radiologist – Invasive Oncologist, is a medical specialization that can not be performed in a private practice. For every diagnostic and invasive operation, modern medical technological equipment is required.

Dedes, chose to cooperate with the Inter-Balkan Medical Center of Thessaloniki, because it is the largest private hospital in Northern Greece, has CT scanners, MRI scans (and 3 Tesla) and Digital Angiographs, equipment necessary to perform the relevant diagnostic procedures. . It also has an Oncology Council, an integrated Oncology Department for holistic treatment of the patient, highly specialized Surgeons and doctors of other specialties. Medical Inter-Balkan is contracted with EOPYY and most Insurance Companies, for diagnostic tests and treatment.

However, due to his high specialization and experience in specific fields, he collaborates with a number of doctors of other specialties from all over Greece, Cyprus and abroad, whom he thoroughly informs about the proposed treatment, its results and the course of their patients.


Medical Inter-Balkan of Thessaloniki : Asklipiou 10, Pylea 555 35

Department: Radiology, floor -1, doctors’ offices

The Clinic is located next to the OASTH – IKEA Bus Transfer Station and next to the “Macedonia” International Airport


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