Εκπαιδευτικές σειρές μαθημάτων (courses) – Σεμινάρια – Συμπόσια
- FISI (Frankfurter Interdiszplinares Symposium fur innovative Diagnostik und Therapie (FISI) 3-4/11/2000. Frankfurt, Germany.
- FISI (Frankfurter Interdiszplinares Symposium fur innovative Diagnostik und Therapie (FISI) 2-3/11/2001. Frankfurt, Germany.
- Hellenic Radiological Society Educational Seminars. Imaging of Brain Tumors with Histological Correlations. 9-10/11/2002. Athens. Greece.
- Innovations in Cancer Therapy. 1ST International Symposium on Image-guided Therapy for Cancer. The Royal College of Radiologists. 1-4/5/2005. London, England.
- FISI (Frankfurter Interdiszplinares Symposium fur innovative Diagnostik und Therapie (FISI) 11-12/9/2009. Frankfurt, Germany.
- ESIR (European School of Interventional Radiology), Lung Interventions Course, 11-12/12/2009. Heilbronn, Germany.
- ESIR (European School of Interventional Radiology), Extrahepatic Tumor Treatment Course, 6-7/5/2011. Frankfurt, Germany.
- FIT (Frankfurter Interventionelle Tage) 2012. Kontroversen in der Interventionellen Radiologie (9 CME). Chemoembolisation bei Leber- und Lungentumoren (Workshop-6 CME).
- Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. Observership for 2 weeks. 17-30/6/2012.
- ESIR (European School of Interventional Radiology), Lung Interventions: Embolisation and Ablation Course. Frankfurt Germany 5-6/7/2013
- Hôpital Européen Georges Pompidou, Certificate for Prostate Artery Embolisation for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia. Paris, on April 2-3, 2014.
- Kantonsspital in Winterthur, Zurich. Certificate for Uterine Fibroid Embolisation. 20-21/20/2014.
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